Resolution Reboot

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Studies have shown that many people stop working on New Year's resolution after about 6 weeks.  Has this happened to you?  Have you stopped or slowed down on your resolution. 

Now is the time to re-examine your resolution and set a new or better defined goal.  Think about your original goal.  Here are two ways to become more motivated to reboot your resolution.

1.) Was it a SMART  (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based) goal?

Often we set vague or unrealistic goals and that can demotivate.  Goals such as "I'm going to eat better" can be broken down so we don't feel disheartened the first time we eat a sweet or a chip.  Examples of breaking this down are:  I'm going to add one serving of veggies every day for a month.  I'm going to cook one more dinner at home each week.  Maybe you add one goal a month for the year.

An example of an unrealistic goal may be to lose 50 pounds in 3 months. While that sounds exciting and you would be thrilled with the results.  That is setting the bar very high.  You may have to change a log of things in your life to make this happen.  Maybe set a goal for each month to lose 1-3% of your weight.  Again break it down as you go.  Maybe you start with adding veggies to each meal, ensuring one half of your plate is filled with greens, having an apple for a snack or some other way to better your eating habits.  At the same time you may add an exercise goal.  This would depend on your current exercise program.  Just add little by little.

Looking at goals in this way helps you stay motivated by all the little and big victories along the way!

2.) Examine your motivation.  What was your motivation for setting your original goal?  Is your motivation the same now?  Does your goal serve your motivation.

Take a look at why you set the goal in the first place.  Let's say the motivation for getting into shape is to be able to be more active with your children.  Did you start out with such great exercise plans that you now have no time with your kids?  This is working a bit against your goal.  Perhaps look at the balance of your life and see how you can fit in time with family as well as a new work out routine.  Maybe instead of spending an hour at the gym, you take a walk with your children.  Maybe change the time you exercise so you don't lose as much at home time.  If we ensure our actions serve ourmotivation, it helps us be successful!

After reflection, you may decide to change your goal (or steps to realize the goal) completely.  That is fine.  No one says you have to stick to something that doesn't serve you. 

As you strive for your goal, remember to be compassionate to yourself.  If a friend was on a diet and had McDonald's for lunch one day; would you call her a failure, tell her she may as well not try anymore?  Of course not, you would probably say. "I know you are really pressed for time today and you feel bad about your lunch.  But don't feel bad, you've been doing such a great job.  Tomorrow you'll be back on track."  Try saying that same thing to yourself when you do something you feel sets you back on your goal.

Be kind to yourself as you work to reach your goals.


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