New Year; New Beginnings

Eclipse is excited about the year to come.  A new partnership at Eclipse allows for more creativity, more offerings and of course more yoga and meditation.

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions.  This year, here at Eclipse we are not making resolutions, but setting an intention for the year.  We have found that 5 minutes of meditation a day, help us keep that intention in mind.

At the beginning of the year, many people resolve to get healthier, lose weight, relive stress, and many more.  All are great goals.  To be successful, the goal must be reachable.  We often create unreachable goals, for example, I will lose 50 pounds in 3 months.  And when this doesn’t happen, we get discouraged. 

Setting an intention for the year can be rewarding.  Your intention can be your goal, or it can complement your goal.  If your goal is to eat clean; an intention that could complement this is to be kind to yourself during the goal.  If you don’t eat clean, don’t beat yourself up.  Treat yourself as you would treat a beloved friend.  Say to yourself the same wisdom you would offer a friend who was being hard on themselves.

Whatever your intention, meditation can help keep you focused.  In just 5-minutes a day, you can help focus your mind.  Meditation is observing yourself and your thoughts.  Yes, I said observing your thoughts.  The goal of meditation is NOT to have a blank mind.  If you think you can’t meditate because you can’t clear your mind, remember that is not the goal.

Sign up for our newsletter and receive a 5-minute meditation that you can use daily to help you focus and relieve stress.  You can meditate whenever it suits you; first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, before a big meeting, in the evening when you return home, or any other time that is right for you.

We look forward to seeing you this year!

Connie Holen