Original Strength - what is it, why should I try it, how do I sign up

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Click here to learn more about Original Strength

I discovered Original Strength through my Chiropractor at BodyWorks. They’re the best! I loved the concepts of Original Strength and wanted to learn more. I went through 2 trainings and completed an exam for both. I am currently an Original Strength Pro.

Original Strength is a great stand alone mobility and strength training and is a great complement to yoga and other fitness routines. Why was I drawn to this? It has a lot in common with yoga and still it is very different. Both are based on the breath, both meet people where they are, and both tell you not to move into pain. I love to do Original Strength before I practice Yoga as it improves the physical part of my practice.

Original Strength is based on the idea that we move best when we use the movements we used when we first came into the world. Babies movements are preparation for getting upright and walking. We stop using these movements, change the movements, or don’t consistently use these movements. Then our movement patterns change and we no longer moving in an optimal manner.

The five main movements in Original Strength are: Diaphragmatic breathing, Head Control, Rocking, Rolling and Crawling (or any contra-lateral movement). This movement helps reset our nervous system. By consistently practicing Original Strength, You build new neural pathways that will help you feel and move better.

Meeting you where you are is so important. You can start practice seated, on a bed, or on the floor - all depending on your needs. Your movement now is good - Original Strength can take you to better and best.

We are offering an OSSA (Original Strength Screen and Assessment), which will help identify the best place for you to start on this training. After your OSSA - you’ll leave with some homework and some recommendations to watch/do some free Original Strength videos on YouTube. We also encourage you to follow up with regular training sessions (the interval is up to you). This will help you as you start to move better and want to change the routine to help you progress further.

We hope to see you for Original Strength in addition to your Yoga or as a stand alone practice for you.

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